Trabalhando como solucionador de problemas, desenvolvedor Full Stack e WordPress.
2023 - Present
Founder - Digital PAradigma
Criador da Agencia de Desenvolvimento Web para empresas e pequenos negócios.
2023 - Present
Founder - Bitcoin Counterflow
Criador da Research de investimentos Bitcoin-Only
My services
Range of services
WordPress Developer
With 4 years of experience with WordPress and its plugins, in addition to knowledge in JavaScript and SEO, I help create and improve websites through this incredible CMS.
SEO Master
SEO for a website is essential. The basics done well structure all development so that it is always in accordance with Google's requirements.
A well-ranked website is a well-developed website.
Front End Javascript
Indispensable tool for developing applications that catch the user's attention.
BackEnd Node.js
Through projects carried out, I developed my ability to develop BackEnd structures so that complex applications are possible and always accessible on the web.
database mongodb
Experience in Database development using MongoDB.
Browser Extension Dev.
Elegant applications for bold projects. Browser extensions are great tools to help users and build loyalty.
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